(Nassau, Bahamas) – I wish to thank all of the members of the team who worked with me in the Fox Hill Constituency to ensure a free and fair  referendum exercise yesterday on 7 June. Do not despair. Keep your chin up always.

I was pleased to work with you to be a a part of the fight for equality for women and children in The Bahamas. It was the right thing to do.  In democracy things sometimes turn out the way they have.

Notwithstanding the result, our work continues to expand the rights for all people. My commitment to freedom for all continues.  My commitment to service to the Fox Hill community continues.  Let us not skip a beat.  Let us be upbeat as we begin to work anew for justice and equality for all.

One thing we know today is that the sun has come up.  The world has not come to an end. Contrary to the negative message, the sky has not fallen.  We are yet alive.

As long as there is life there is hope. Let us all continue to work to ensure a better Fox Hill and a better Bahamas. I thank those who turned out to vote for their participation in the exercise of citizen democracy. It is a rare event and it was a useful exercise.  My best to all, friend and foe alike.