100-foot mark Bonnie Pratt-Reese, Field Officer, China State Construction and Alex Hailey, Project Field Officer, Intern, China State Construction, present Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie with a symbol that Baha Mar’s casino tower has reached the 100-foot mark. Pictured from left: Senior Vice President, Baha Mar, Robert Sands; Executive Vice President, China State Construction, Tiger Wu; Executive Vice President, Baha Mar, Tom Dunlap; Mr. Hailey; Ms. Pratt-Reese; Prime Minister Christie; Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Works and Urban Development the Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis; Minister of Tourism the Hon. Obie Wilchcombe; Minister of State for Investments in the Office of the Prime Minister the Hon. Khaalis Rolle and The People’s Republic of China’s Ambassador to The Bahamas His Excellency Hu Shan. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)
NASSAU, The Bahamas — Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie congratulated the Baha Mar team for the milestone of reaching the 100-foot mark on its iconic casino tower construction during a brief ceremony held at the site, Wednesday, July 11, 2012.
The Prime Minister said, “Whenever a project that is the single largest project ever contemplated and executed in the region is taking place and being on time and on schedule, it is worthy of commendation.” He added, “The many job opportunities being created for Bahamians during construction and perhaps more importantly the several thousand permanent jobs, which will be created when the resort opens, bodes well for the country’s future economic growth.” Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Works and Urban Development the Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis; the Minister of Tourism the Hon. Obie Wilchcombe and the Minister of State for Investments in the Office of the Prime Minister the Hon. Khaalis Rolle were also in attendance at the celebration.
The People’s Republic of China’s Ambassador to The Bahamas His Excellency Hu Shan; Executive Vice President, Baha Mar, Tom Dunlap; Executive Vice President, China State Construction, Tiger Wu and Senior Vice President, Baha Mar, Robert Sands, also attended. Prime Minister Christie said the achievement of reaching the 100-foot milestone builds credibility for the project and manifests strong confidence in the Government and people of The Bahamas. “I congratulate every worker that has helped Baha Mar reach the 100-foot elevation.
I am optimistic and will work assiduously with the developer to ensure that more and more Bahamians will benefit from jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities as this exciting project moves forward.” The Prime Minister said it is his expectation that Baha Mar would soon be able to announce the selection of a major casino partner. “Such a partner would add greatly to the marketing clout, customer base and cutting-edge product of the world’s most famous brands represented by your hotel partners: Hyatt, Mandarin, Rosewood and Sheraton.
He said, “Such an arrangement I believe would draw millions of first-time visitors to The Bahamas from both the established and new emerging markets.” The Prime Minister also noted that the Baha Mar celebration came on the heels of the announcement of the attraction to The Bahamas of Genting, one of the world’s premier resort and casino operators. “That announcement has attracted favourable comments both at home and in the international marketplace. “That is why we in this current Government is so concerned and have really and truly underlined our expectations that we will soon be joined by an international casino partner of renown.” Prime Minister Christie said, “I am confident that with the opening and the continued development of the ultra-luxury Albany Resort, with its residential and golf, spa and marine facilities, the advancement of other projects now in the pipeline for Grand Bahama and several other Family Islands, together with the completion of the Baha Mar, the largest, single-phased resort development in the history of the Caribbean, we will change the tourism landscape of our country.”
Executive Vice President, Baha Mar, Tom Dunlap said he hopes to have another celebration once the site reaches 200 feet, and then another when it reaches 326 feet, when they will have a topping out ceremony. He said the people working on the Baha Mar project have coined a phrase that has become embedded in everything that they do. “It simply is, one team, one dream and today 100-feet.”