(Nassau, Bahamas) – The new immigration policies came into effect on Saturday, November 1 and in the wake of a routine spot check by the Department of Immigration, images and commentary were posted in social media including an upload to i-cnn blogspot. The images and commentary suggested night raids, the deportation of Bahamian children and the detention of children at the Carmichael Road as a result of these routine checks. They were all inaccurate and misleading to the general public.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Hon. Fred Mitchell, hosted a press conference on Sunday, November 2 at the Lynden Pindling International Airport upon his return from a trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where he participated in an anti-piracy conference. He sought to address some of the misinformation being circulated within social media.
On the images of children being escorted by Immigration Officers, the Minister explained that during the spot check on Saturday morning, the adults at the home in question fled the scene, leaving the children behind. The Immigration Officers took the children into protective custody for their own safety wellbeing and the children were later released to an adult relative. The Director of Immigration, William Pratt applauded the humane actions taken by his officers in the in the circumstance given its sensitivity.
With respect to children being detained at the Carmichael Road detention center, the children in question were among a group of illegal migrants aboard an interdicted vessel traveling in Bahamian waters and were detained along with their parents and subsequently deported to their home country along with their parents.
Both issues were clarified during the Q&A period of the press conference.
Please find below and attached the text of the statement delivered by the Minister at the press conference.
Statement by Fred Mitchell MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs at LPIA, 2nd November 2014
Yesterday the administrative measures announced by the department on work permits, certificates of identity and residency permits began. I am providing a copy of the public service announcement that was sent to the press on the matter.
There was a routine interdiction exercise yesterday which resulted in some 76 arrests. Some elements in the community are transforming that into something which it is not.
From the time I became minister, there have been interdictions every day, every week. Yesterday was no different from what the Department ordinarily does and should not be used to inflame passions.
It appears now that some political operatives have gotten into the matter with a view to seeking to sow the seeds of division; I ask them to desist. I ask the leaders of the Opposition parties to speak to trolls on social media to resist the temptation to sow seeds of discord. I have asked our supporters to do the same.
This is not about FNM or PLP or DNA.
There have been no reports of any abuse or corruption by immigration officers to the director arising out of yesterday.
Some people have expressed concern about children and I would only say that we are seeking the intervention of the Department of Social Services where this is necessary.
I am advised that no interdictions took place at night.
I wish only to add that there needs to be balance in all that we do in this. I ask everyone to resist an “us or them situation.” I am not in that. Neither is this government. This is simply about enforcing the laws of the Commonwealth in a calm and quiet manner.
The job has to get done to protect our borders. Neither fear, nor incitement should come out of this.
These measures announced are of general application and are not targeted at any particular national group.
No one should seek to play the victim in this.
We shall continue to work along with all national groups in the best interests of our country. If there are any complaints please advance those to the Director. Thank you.