Eleuthera, Bahamas – August 2nd to 4th, the One Eleuthera Foundation (1E), Cancer Society of Eleuthera (CSE), Family Medicine Center (FMC) and other partners, will make history as they host Eleuthera’s first ever Health and Wellness Symposium with the guiding theme The Pathway to Wellness, Reversing the trends.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) progressively more deaths in The Bahamas are resulting from Chronic Non Communicable Diseases (CNCD) such as AIDS and AIDS-related complex, accidents, violence and poisonings; HIV/AIDS having the highest incident rate. In most instances these NCDs are either manageable and/or preventable. Rising health care expenses in conjunction with these vicissitudes demonstrate the importance of including health education and promotion in the health care system.

One Eleuthera and its partners are joining forces to formerly adopt the Ministry of Health’s Healthy Lifestyles initiative and develop a strategy that will eventually lead to a reversal in the trend of increasing numbers of individuals dying from Non Communicable Diseases (NCD). The intent during the Symposium is to collaboratively and synergically develop an action plan and path for the next 5 – 10 years that will aid the cohort in achieving its goal of eradicating death by NCD.

One Eleuthera is a Bahamian non-profit organization that envisages a path to the future through five initiatives consisting of branding and strengthening Eleuthera’s heritage and culture, facilitating strategic economic development, enhancing education, focusing on environmental sustainability and finally, striving for the improved health and wellness of Eleutherans; an initiative upon which this event is focused.

The Pathway to Wellness commences with a welcome reception at 6:30pm Thursday, August 2nd and ends on Saturday with the Fun, Run Walk for the Cure which begins at 6:00am.  A key component of the weekend is the facilitation of a high level roundtable discussion and solutions-based forum with strategic partners, medical professionals, and stakeholders from around the Bahamas, as well as international delegates. Registration is available through the One Eleuthera web portal (www.oneeleuthera.org) or by contacting its office at 242-334-4630.