(Governor’s Harbour, Eleuthera) – Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Local Government, Hon. Alfred Gray visited Eleuthera on Friday July 13th, 2012 accompanied by Ms. Rena Glinton, Undersecretary; Hon. Mr. Anthony Moss, M.P. and Parliamentary Secretary; Mr. Clay Sweeting, Deputy Chairman BAIC; Mr. Michael Braynen, Director – Department of Marine Services and Mr. Simeon Pinder, Director of Agriculture. 

Minister Gray addressing the gathering at Workers House on July 13th.

During the morning, cars filled the Workers House parking lot, as farmers and fishermen from across the island gathered to hear what the Minister had to say. After his presentation, Mr. Gray also opened the room to questions and made time at the end to lend an ear to anyone who wanted to have a one-on-one discussion.

Minister Gray at the podium with his Ministry’s officials at the front, all facing the audience of Eleuthera’s farmers and fishermen

During the meeting, he outlined the incentives his ministry currently offer to farmers to assist in their efforts, including –

  • land available for farming through leasing,
  • land clearing assistance,
  • irrigation,
  • fencing,
  • seeds and
  • fertilizer from the ministry’s farm and fish store, and professional assistance with the ‘how to’ of farming.

He remarked, “The government is very serious about the food security problem and we want to solve it as much as we are humanly able, and the only way we can do it is for people… to become involved in farming, on a large scale.”

The Minister also announced major operational changes with his ministry, with more than fourteen different units, with managers, currently being organized to deal with specific needs and services for the public. He described his ministry as going through a cultural change as well, with special emphasis being placed on improved customer service.

Local farmers posed several questions and raised various issues with the panel

Following the morning’s presentation, the floor was opened to questions from the audience of farmers and fishermen. A wide variety of issues on island were brought up; in particular, the availability of potable water, water and sewerage ‘guestimate’ billing, cooperatives and their function, land availability in Hatchet Bay, the proliferation of raccoons and their effect, the need for factory processing facilities and foreign bone fishing guides.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Local Government officials along with Administrator Symonette pictured at Workers House, assisted the Minister with his presentation. Not pictured is Mr. Clay Sweeting, Deputy Chairman of BAIC.

The panel were receptive to the issues raised and in several instances promised further action to assist the local farmers.