Eleuthera police have arrested and charged two men for stealing in relation to approximately 1000ft of BTC/LIME cable wiring from the distribution poles on Queen’s Highway in Hatchet Bay.   The wire was reported missing at the Hatchet Bay Police Station by a BTC technician, who said that it was stolen some time during the week leading to Friday, July 6th, when the report was made.

Police visited the scene and were shown about seven poles, with about 200ft between them that had cable wire missing.

Responding to a thick black smoke coming from bushes in the area, police proceeded along a dirt road and discovered three separate heaps of fire – recently lit and consisting of dried tree branches and cable wires.  Additionally police found a wooden counter, a bolt cutter and sunglasses. Going a little further, police discovered the alleged culprits, standing over charred remains of cable wires from an earlier fire. The two men (27 and 19) of Eleuthera Island Shores and Hatchet Bay reportedly had in their possession a hack saw, a plastic container, cigarette lighters and bottles of water.  The older of the men, presently has a case pending for stolen copper wire.