New BTVI campus facility located at the top of the hill, adjacent to the current Green Castle Primary School.
New BTVI campus facility located at the top of the hill, adjacent to the current Green Castle Primary School.

The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI), celebrated the official opening of its newest campus in Green Castle, South Eleuthera on Thursday, April 18th, 2024, with a ceremony held on the grounds of the facility, touting the new location as its first ever on a Family Island.

Minister of Education, Technical and Vocational Training, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin was in attendance, joined by other officials from BTVI, including BTVI president, Dr. Linda A. Davis; Board Director, Lionel Sands; as well as member of parliament for Central and South Eleuthera, and Minister of Works and Family Island Affairs, the Hon. Clay Sweeting.

At the opening, BTVI president Davis welcomed the crowd of community members, who showed up to mark the occasion at the new BTVI campus, which had been totally refurbished, at the site of the old Wemyss Bight primary school, atop the hill, behind the more recent primary school campus.

The audience of community members shown as BTVI president Dr. Linda Davis, welcomes them to the opening ceremony, held on Thursday, April 18th.
The audience of community members shown as BTVI president Dr. Linda Davis, welcomes them to the opening ceremony, held on Thursday, April 18th.

She remarked on the tremendous significance of the opening, saying, “BTVI is on a mission. This structure is needed. The skills learned are needed. We have come to Eleuthera for a time such as this. I am excited to be a part of such a major move and accomplishment. This is the first physical extension on our Family Islands. This place will become one of exploration for those seeking to learn a skill or to upgrade existing skills. This facility, we hope, stands as a catalyst for possibilities – the birthing and strengthening of careers in the trades.”

Minister Sweeting, also spent time at the podium, and highlighted that the opening of the physical BTVI campus was the culmination of one of his many goals for the island. He emphasized the advantage this would now give to prospective students to gain valuable technical and vocation skills and careers training, as well as businesses and residents in Eleuthera, who would now have access to a larger pool of skilled employees, and trained tradesmen and women in a variety of fields.

The cutting of the ceremonial ribbon by Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin, and Minister Clay Sweeting as BTVI president Dr. Linda Davis, and Housing Minister Keith Bell, look on.
The cutting of the ceremonial ribbon by Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin, and Minister Clay Sweeting as BTVI president Dr. Linda Davis, and Housing Minister Keith Bell, look on.

Following Minister Sweeting, Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin in her speech, commented, “This administration has determined that it will make a primary thrust for technical and vocational education in this country. One, because of the global importance of technical education for building skills and grasping the economy. And, secondly in our own country, because of the skills gap that we have, which has been talked about, reported on, studied, and analyzed for more than 20 years.”

She continued, “So, what we are seeing being rolled out and demonstrated today is a commitment to building capacity in this nation, so that our young people can participate in this economy, and not sit on the sidelines and watch as third parties come in and participate, because it is said we do not have the ability or the capacity. So, today, this is intentional – not by accident. The member of parliament advocated, BTVI understands it, and the government is committed to it. This is to allow our young people to come to this facility and build capacity.”

The minister also informed that dual enrollment opportunities would be made available for students still in high school on the island, through their Career and Technical Education program coordinators.

Minister Clay Sweeting with Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin along with Ministry of Education and BTVI Officials during the opening ceremony at the new facility in Green Castle.
Minister Clay Sweeting with Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin along with Ministry of Education and BTVI Officials during the opening ceremony at the new facility in Green Castle.

A brief dedication and ribbon cutting followed the officials’ remarks, as part of the opening ceremony, along with the unveiling of the official opening plaque on the main building. Those in attendance were then invited to tour the newly refurbished facility.

For further information about BTVI in Eleuthera, visit online at – ( or contact: (242) 502-6300.