Eleuthera, Bahamas: The general public is advised that the Department of Environmental Health Services will commence ground fogging on the island of Eleuthera, weather permitting, between the hours of 7pm & 11pm,  at the following times and places;

Tuesday, May 12th &, 19th  2015  – (James Cistern & Hatchet Bay) and  (Lower Bogue, & Upper Bogue)

Wednesday, May 13th & 20th  2015  – Governor’s Harbour, Current & The Bluff

Thursday, May 14th & 21st 2015 , Palmetto Point, Blackwood, & Three Island dock areas

Friday, May 15th & 22nd  2015, Savannah Sound, Whales Point

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015, Gregory Town & Eleuthera Is. Shores

Monday, May 18th 2015, Bannerman Town, Wemyss’ Bight & Waterford

Wednesday, May 27th ,  2015 – Deep Creek & Green Castle

Thursday, May 28th 2015 – -Rock Sound

Friday,  May 29th 2015 – Tarpum Bay

To further reduce the mosquito population, residents are kindly asked to cooperate with the Department of Environmental Health Services by removing all water holding containers including, buckets, cans, bottles, derelict vehicles, derelict boats and old discarded appliances from their premises and take them to the dumpsite in their respective areas.

All keepers of beehives are kindly asked to secure them prior to the fogging exercises.

Further, the department is encouraging all residents on the Island of Eleuthera to keep their surroundings Clean, Green & Pristine.