On Saturday, May 11th, a lively group of children and adult leaders from the ‘Young Life’ ministry, claimed the main road way, walking from the North Eleuthera High School campus in Lower Bogue to the Rubis gas station located at the Lower Bogue junction, in their annual “Walk for Hope” fundraiser.
‘Young Life’, an international non-profit Christian outreach program, explained Island Director, Rev. Josette Joseph-Illan, with ministries serving in more than one hundred countries, has a mission of introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. The ministry’s Walk For Hope fundraiser, said Rev. Illan, sees leaders, action team members, children/adolescents, and staff from around the world come together and walk to raise funds and awareness for the program.
Currently, she said, there are Young Life ministries in Nassau, Grand Bahama, The Berry Islands, and Eleuthera, and the mission of helping children to grow in faith is accomplished by praying for young people, going where children are to build personal relationships with them, and providing fun and adventurous, life-changing experiences.
Expanding on the ministry in Eleuthera, Rev. Illan, shared, “Eleuthera Young Life has grown to 3 clubs in the last two years with no end in sight! Through the faithfulness of dedicated volunteer leaders in North Eleuthera High School, Spanish Wells/Russell Island and Harbour Island All Age School, children are coming face-to-face with Jesus and learning to walk with Him.”
She continued, “Their lives, families and communities are being changed, and this is just the beginning of what we believe the Lord will do through Young Life on Eleuthera. Camp is a huge part of the success of the ministry and we are excited to host students for this incredible time again this year from June 21st to June 23rd, 2024.”
Young Life programs in Eleuthera are spearheaded by Rev. Josette Joseph-Illan (Island director), Sarah Starr (Committee Chairperson), and Fernando Mejia (Caribbean Director).