Nassau, The Bahamas — On his return to New Providence on May 21, Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government the Hon. V. Alfred Gray gave  a report of his participation in the 7th biannual conference of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum in Kampala, Uganda. He led a delegation of 17 persons, inclusive of 14 Local Government Practitioners from 13 Local Government Districts.

Speaking in the Diplomatic Lounge at the Lynden Pindling International Airport, Minister Gray said a number of issues were discussed, including women and young people’s involvement in local government, and for the first time in history, a Bahamian woman presented a paper at such a conference in the person of North Andros Chief Councillor Ms Vanda Rahming.  Her presentation, during the Working Group Session on ‘Engaging Women and Young People in the Democratic Process’, documented the status of women and youth and the Local Government Junior Council Programme in The Bahamas.  

Held under the theme, “Developmental Local Government:  Putting Local Government At the Heart of Development”, the Conference was designed to equip  Local Government Practitioners with International problem solving techniques. It qualifies The Bahamas for at least two positions on the Commonwealth Local Government Forum’s Board and its Executive Committee.

Participants at the conference from 126 countries competed for 11 positions on the Board with The Bahamas securing two.

“Mr Phillip McPhee, Chief Councillor for South Eleuthera and President of the Bahamas Association of Local Government Authorities and President of the Caribbean Association of Local Government Authorities was elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum’s Board.  Whilst I, as Minister responsible for Local Government, was elected to that 11 member Board.  I think that this is quite a significant achievement for a small country, if only because, it shows in what esteem The Bahamas is held in the international arena as far as Local Government is concerned,” said Minister Gray.

Minister Gray said during the conference the delegates were encouraged to provide opportunities for the people in the local government districts to become employers, rather than employees, through the media of education and training and access to financing small loans wherever necessary.  In addition, he added that councillors should ensure that young people and women play a significant role in the development of local government and the delivery of the services rendered by the local government system.

“Economic Development in the various local government districts should be led by the Local Government Councils in partnership with Central Government and the private sector; Local governments, wherever possible, should be enshrined in the Constitutions of all Commonwealth countries, as a matter of law and policy,” said Minister Gray.

“Economic Development in the rural areas of every country, and in the case of The Bahamas, our Family Islands should be the main focus of immediate attention by the Local Government Councils, supported by and with the oversight of the Central Government.  Wherever possible the communication between Local Government Councils and the Central Governments should be open, frank and free, to allow for proper and adequate exchange of ideas and information that could lead to economic developments in the Local Government Districts.”

Minister Gray said the Bahamian delegation visited several places of interest while in Uganda such as the Local Government District of Kumi, where delegates saw how houses were built by Local Government Councils to provide housing for single mothers in various districts.  He said they also visited the Local Government District of Jinja, where delegates visited the handicraft and training centre where Local Government provided equipment for those having been trained to start their own business.

“All in all, the conference which we attended, together with the site visitations, made immediately thereafter, provided the delegation with renewed vigour and focused attention on the work ahead, which we hope will enhance the economic development of each of the local government districts, by the Local Government Councils in collaboration with, and oversight of the Central Government, and in partnership with the private sector,” said Minister Gray.

Attending the conference were, Philip McPhee of South Eleuthera, John Gibson of Central Eleuthera, Gary Smith of North Abaco, Roosevelt Curry of Grand Cay, Ms Vanda Rahming of North Andros, Rev James Pratt of South Andros, Andy Bowleg of Mangrove Cay, Ms Albertha Cooper of East Grand Bahama, Rosney Cooper of West Grand Bahama, Kevin Ferguson of the City of Freeport, Godfrey Gray of Exuma, Glenroy Davis of the Town Committee Chairman, Ezra Kemp of Black Point, Ken Rolle of Inagua, and Alexander Williams, Family Island Administrator of the City of Freeport.  
