(The Bahamas)

Statement by Hon. Kenred Dorsett M.P. Minister of the Environment and Housing

As part of our ongoing efforts to modernize and improve our customer service to the Bahamian people, the Ministry of the Environment and Housing proudly announces the launch of the Department of Housing’s new online housing database.  As the public would be aware this Department is mainly responsible for the application for the building and assignment of government homes.

The volume of persons applying for government built homes is large and increasing, making it difficult to keep track of all applications.  This website was established to address this issue by providing applicants, including those from our Family Islands, the opportunity to easily apply for home ownership from the comfort of their homes. I consider this to be another step in the right direction towards ensuring that the Department of Housing and my ministry at large are meeting the needs of those seeking its services in a timely manner and with improved accuracy.

The features of this site enable persons to register and apply for government home ownership online.  Once an online application has been completed a registration number is assigned and one can log in to the site at any time to view the status of their application.  The site also provides the ability for supporting documents such as passport copies, job letters, pay slips, etc to be uploaded along with the application. 

It is my hope that the general public will take advantage of this new service and that it will prove to be a source of useful information in the decision making process regarding the types of homes we offer and how to better meet the housing needs of Bahamians.

The public should note that I have instructed that this site and the email addresses attached be manned daily ensuring that applicants receive timely responses to their concerns and applications.  As minister responsible I want to ensure that my ministry is equipped with and utilizes the instruments available in this age of technology to provide effective and efficient services to the people of The Bahamas.

I asked that all persons, whether you have applied for a government built home before or not to go to the website, fill out the application and upload the supporting documents.  The address of the website is www.dohbahamas.com.  The email address at which the Department of Housing can be reached is info@dohbahamas.com, or the public can reach us through the ministry’s facebook page at www.facebook.com/ministryofeh.