A team of 12 persons from the Ministry of the Environment in New Providence are currently in Grand Bahama conducting a site inspection of the Bahamas Oil Refining Company.  The team was joined by officials from the Department of Environmental Health Services (G.B.), the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the Police Fire Department, as well as environmental personnel from the Grand Bahama Port Authority.  The Ministry is looking into all aspects of BORCO’s operations on Grand Bahama in wake of recent oil spills. They are looking at BORCO’s extensive tank farm, the offshore jetty and piping, and will also speak with residents in the Pinder’s Point and Lewis Yard area. Inspectors are pictured outside the BORCO facility with Mr. Robert Gaffney (second left), BORCO’s Vice President International Operation and Mr. Jeff Hollingsworth (third left), Safety Manager at BORCO. (BIS Photo / Simon Lewis)