As of Sunday morning, May 1st, 2016, the Water and Sewerage Corporation in Eleuthera updated that repairs ongoing  at the Central Eleuthera reverse osmosis plant since Saturday had to be paused as installation of the new well motor/pump encountered challenges, and a team from GE was flying in.  Other options were being explored, as the deep well pump and motor recovery efforts were not going to be automatic, due to its depth and the need for more equipment to be brought in.  Another feed well was being looked at, and other back up measures put in place as a reversal of the system was being done, however, the process was said to not be an instant one.


The Eleutheran first learned of problems at the facility on Saturday April 30th, 2016, when informed that as a result of ‘electrical challenges’ experienced , a shutdown of the deep well and plant occurred that resulted in customers of the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) in Central Eleuthera, between the settlements of Gregory Town and Savannah Sound, having their service interrupted.


According to the WSC, a General Electric Senior Field Representative had been flown in yesterday and had been leading repairs.