(Eleuthera, Bahamas) In an interview with Minister Damian Gomez in early March, he acknowledged that plans for the Hospital project in Palmetto Point, Eleuthera had been delayed by about a month and a half between the process of surveying and finalizing paperwork, with respect to a Compulsory Purchase Order, which would now have to be signed off by Prime Minister Christie before any activity commenced on the chosen property location for the Hospital.
In a follow-up interview on Wednesday, March 27, Minister Gomez confirmed that the Prime Minister had now signed off on the relevant documentation, and commented saying, “I am not happy with the speed of this process, but I’m confident that we are moving in the right direction and will start soon.”
According to Gomez, with paperwork confirmed, activities will be now be able to commence on the land, beginning with the cleaning of the property, followed by a formal groundbreaking, then the start of active construction.
Minister Gomez also announced that the government had plans of opening up the Registrar General’s office in each of the Administrator’s offices on Eleuthera, so that birth and death certificates and the types of certificates that are available in Nassau would now become available in Eleuthera. He stated that much of the groundwork for these services being offered had already been done, and that the Eleuthera public could expect to see these services kicked off as early as April 2013.