Glass Window Bridge now officially closed due to dangerous weather conditions.

Glass Window Bridge Update – Bridge NOW OPEN (Sunday, February 23, 2020):

After the 1pm assessment of conditions at the Glass Window Bridge by Police in Eleuthera, the ALL CLEAR was given, and the Bridge, as of 2pm on Sunday, February 23rd, 2020, was OPENED to motorists and other road users.


Glass Window Bridge Update (Sunday, February 23, 2020):

Police in Eleuthera assessed conditions at the Glass Window Bridge on Sunday morning, February 23rd, 2020 and determined that they were not favourable for safe passage.  The Bridge remained closed until further notice.  Authorities planned to reassess conditions at 1pm.


Original Article (Published, Saturday, February 22nd, 2020):

The Glass Window Bridge was officially closed on Saturday evening, February 22nd, 2020 at 7pm, due to the dangerous weather conditions.  See statement below from local Eleuthera authorities:

“Officials on the island of Eleuthera wish to inform motorists and other road users that the Glass Window Bridge is officially CLOSED effective 7:00pm today’s date (Saturday, February 22nd, 2020) due to strong sea surge.

The bridge will reopen only when the weather permits.

Please stay away from the area of the Bridge until the All Clear is given.”

Check back regularly, as The Eleutheran will update as soon as the ‘All Clear’ is given for the re-opening of the Bridge.

PHOTO-2020-02-22-17-45-14 - Glass Window closed