On Wednesday 5th of September, 2018, sometime around 1:00pm, Cpl. 44 Anderson c/o the Rock Sound Police Station went to the Methodist Church in Palmetto Point where he spoke to the entire male population of Central Eleuthera High on the vital topic of “Leadership”. The one hundred and fifty plus (150+) male students were attentive as they were given a message deemed crucial by the charismatic Police Officer using his persuasive abilities to capture the young minds.

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The message was delivered by PowerPoint presentation inclusive of music, videos and other illustrations to drive the point of leadership home. In the end the presentation was evaluated by a question and answer period to ensure that the message was received by the student body. The vibrant young men, who seemed very enthusiastic about the presentation were able to regurgitate the information given. Finally, all the young men in the room were given a charge by Cpl. 44 Anderson to become, if they weren’t already, leaders in their school, communities, and personal life by using what they learned during the session and applying it to their everyday lives.
